Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Zombies, Maltese dogs, and change.

Do you know what I wish?

I wish I was better. Not necessarily at something specific (although, that is kind of an automatic duh) I just wish I was better at being a human. Ok, maybe that came out wrong. No I am not an alien, or a cyborg, or a republican (I kid, kinda). I just kind of suck at being alive sometimes (kind of like zombies, but without all the brains).

I think we all have times when we just feel like we trudge from thing to thing, not really expecting, well, anything. I just wish I created a more vibrant tapestry for myself in life, or more change (hey, vibrant tapestry makes me sound fancier, and I need to use this college degree for something dammit). I mean, it's not like I want a snake to show up in my shower every 4th day or a gopher to bite my toes at the park when I take the dog out, because those thing would be, well, mostly horrifying and painful. I suppose my needs are based on the envy that I feel for others in my life. I know, I know, envy is a bad thing, we should be content with the happiness that we are given (blah, blah, bla....ZzZzZz. Oh, sorry I dozed off from all your judgemental, judginess). This may be true but, is it wrong to want a little of the spice back?

You know what would be a lot easier, if you could just by spice of life at the store, but not to one of those specialty stores that make you drive out in the the middle of nowhere strip mall land where you feel like you are suddenly going to be ambushed by a mess of dateline cameras accused of talking online with a 12 year old boy where the store employees give you weird looks because they just KNOW you're not from around here and its really hard to find what your looking for and your afraid to ask because of the suspicious employees and your a little creeped out by how sticky the floors are kind of places, because that would so NOT be worth it. You know what I'm saying though? Just walk into the grocery store and pick up a bottle of Spice of Life *Now made with 30% more sunshine and edible glitter!* with your necessary milk and apples or soy milk and frozen pizza or Rolaids and laxatives (You know, the usual).

So yeah. We should get on that. You know what? Since now all those wicked smart NASA people are going to all be out of jobs we should get them a grant to develop stuff like this. It is after all, science, right? Or maybe its voodoo or perhaps it would be the job of those America's Test Kitchen people. I'll do some research....

Anyway, I need some change, but like most Americans I fear change.

Oh wait. No I don't, well I do, but I don't mostly. But come on! Sometimes change is scary. Have you ever cut like 5 inches off your hair with a new stylist who half way through cutting your hair tells you that she just graduated from beauty school and you are her first customer. That, my friends, is pure fear. The fear that your need for a "new spring look" will wind up making you look like a half-rabid Maltese with a skin condition is enough to set you off of change for a good 5 years, along with giving you a startling fear or salon chairs and Maltese dogs.

What were we talking about?

I am so lost.

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